Pungent Odors From Vegetables in the Cruciferae Family and Allium Genus Are Released by
Allium vegetables (Fig. one), including garlic (Allium sativum), onions (Allium cepa), shallots (Allium ascalonicum), leeks (Allium porrum), and chives (Allium schoenoprasum), decrease the gamble of certain cancers, particularly of the digestive tract.
From: The Enzymes , 2015
Viruses and Virus Diseases of Vegetables in the Mediterranean Bowl
Nikolaos I. Katis , ... Chrysostomos I. Dovas , in Advances in Virus Research, 2012
Allium species are economically of import crops in the Mediterranean basin. Viruses are among the most of import pathogens affecting their yield and especially those belonging to the genera Potyvirus, Carlavirus, and Allexivirus. Members of the genus Potyvirus are usually the nigh abundant and cause virtually of the damage induced. Even so, coinfections with unlike viruses are not scarce, especially in garlic, and can have synergistic effects that pb to even greater crop losses. Vegetative propagation of alliums and the manual of almost of their viruses by arthropod vectors have significantly contributed to their wide dissemination in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere in the globe. Here, we review the general biological and molecular features, the epidemiology, incidence, and methods of diagnosis of the near widespread allium viruses in the basin. Control measures are proposed depending on the mode of propagation of the various alliums, the epidemiology of their viruses and the cultivation procedures adapted by the Mediterranean farmers. The importance of the production and utilize of virus-complimentary propagative material in guild to combat viral diseases of allium crops is especially highlighted. A final discussion focuses on the main shortages identified in the research area of allium viruses, and proposals are made for putative future developments.
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https://world wide web.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123943149000051
Household Foods and Products
Rosalind Dalefield BVSc PhD DABVT DABT , in Veterinary Toxicology for Australia and New Zealand, 2017
Allium Species (Garlic and Onion)
Allium species, which include garlic and onion, are covered in the chapter on introduced plants. However, they are cross-referenced here considering they may pose a threat to domestic pets. Onion is commonly used in cooking and may be present in food scraps offered to pets. Garlic is sometimes promoted as an alternative remedy to rid cats of fleas. It should exist noted that the Northward-propyl disulfide in Allium bulbs can cause hemolytic anemia, and that toxicosis has been reported in dogs. If owners written report that they are using garlic equally an culling remedy or flea treatment in pets, regular blood sampling for hematology should be suggested.
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Agricultural and Related Biotechnologies
S. Shao , ... R. Tsao , in Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition), 2011
four.53.2.5 Sulfur-Containing Compounds
Allium and Brassica vegetables have long been recognized for their antimicrobial activity confronting various microorganisms, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. The main antimicrobial compounds of Allium and Brassica have been identified every bit allicin (S-allyl-fifty-propenethiosulfinate) and methyl methanethiosulfonate, respectively. Both products belong to thiosulfinate, generated from S-allyl and S-methyl derivatives of l-cysteine sulfoxide, respectively, present in Allium and Brassica as nonprotein sulfur-containing amino acids [57]. Glucosinolates are some other major sulfur-containing group of compounds unique to the Brassica plants. Upon the activeness of the enzyme β-glucosidase (likewise named myrosinase), glucosinolates are hydrolyzed and the breakdown products rearrange to produce isothiocyanates or thiocyanates that are strong antimicrobial agents. Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a breakdown product of allyl glucosinolate or sinigrin known for the pungent season of mustard seed, is a stiff antimicrobial amanuensis against about foodborne bacterial and fungal pathogens. The structures of the 2 of import sulfur compounds, allicin and AITC, are shown in Effigy 4 .
Figure 4. Typical sulfur-containing antimicrobial compounds.
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Urethral Stents
Petrişor Geavlete , ... Bogdan Geavlete , in Endoscopic Diagnosis and Handling in Urethral Pathology, 2016
three.5.8 Allium Stent
Alliums are hybrid self-expandable temporary stents (alloy skeleton and polymeric shell) indicated for the recalibration of bulbar strictures located upwards to one cm from the external spincter ( Fig. 3.17). The stent is placed under visual or fluoroscopic control, using special applicators that have a 0° optical system (Fig. 3.18).
Effigy iii.17. Allium stent for recalibration of bulbar urethra strictures (Allium Medical, Caesarea, Israel).
Figure 3.eighteen. Allium stent applicator, with a 0° optical system (Allium Medical, Caesarea, Israel).
Recalibration of the urethra is performed past dilation or urethrotomy up to 24F, and the stricture'due south position and length and the distance to the sphincter is measured by fluoroscopy, using marked catheters with a radiopaque scale. The length of the stent is chosen by adding ane cm to the distance between the extremities of the stricture.
The stent is positioned nether visual command and is released using the trigger of the applicator. Once applied, the stent will expand, so that withdrawal of the stent into the mounting device and repositioning become impossible. If the position proves to be wrong, the stent volition have to be extracted and a new one inserted in its identify. Expansion of the stent to its maximum caliber may accept several days (Yachia and Markovic, 2008). The stent is removed by tractioning with extracting forceps. For an piece of cake extraction, the stent begins to unravel starting from a forcefulness of 500–600 yard.
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Konnie H. Plumlee DVM, MS, Dipl ABVT, ACVIM , ... Patricia A. Talcott , in Clinical Veterinarian Toxicology, 2004
All Allium species belong to the Amaryllidaceae family. More than 400 species of these plants exist, all having a strong odor, and most of them perennial, rhizomatous, or bulbous herbs. Onion species can either be native or grown for food, whereas others are grown as ornamentals for blossom and rock gardens. Poisonings in animals have been reported equally being a outcome of ingestion of raw, dry, or cooked onions. Reports take implicated fresh raw onions, cull onions, onion souffle, 1 minced dehydrated onions, 2,3 cooked onions, iv baby food containing onion powder, v wild onions, six and garlic vii as sources of poisoning for domestic animals.
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S. Khokar , G.R. Fenwick , in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Diet (Second Edition), 2003
Flavour Biochemistry
Intact alliums have no pungency, since the volatile products are but released post-obit the interaction of the enzyme, alliinase, with the Southward-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide (alliin, I) which occurs when tissue is damaged or disrupted (Figure i). The initial products of this enzymic hydrolysis are ammonia, pyruvate, and an alk(en)ylthiosulphinate (allicin, II). The latter, which possesses odour characteristics typical of the freshly cut tissue, can undergo further nonenzymic reactions to yield a variety of compounds, including thiosulfinate [3] and di- and trisulfides [IV]. These compounds take slightly differing flavors and odors, and may impart a cooked note to steam-distilled onion or leek oils.
Effigy 1. Sulfur-containing flavor volatiles from alliums.
Not all alliums contain the aforementioned substituted cysteine sulfoxides; onion contains primarily the South-(i-propenyl), Due south-propyl, and, to a bottom extent, S-methyl derivatives (Ia–c, respectively). Thus, the typical flavour of onion is due to the presence of propyl- and one-propenylthiosulphinates and corresponding di- and tri-sulfides. In dissimilarity, garlic contains predominantly S-(ii-propenyl)cysteine sulfoxide (S-allylcysteine sulfoxide, id) and, and none of the 1-propenyl isomer. Its flavor is consequently due to the presence of ii-propenylthiosulphinate and related di- and trisulfides. Hive and leek contain relatively more S-methylcysteine sulfoxide, which yields methylthiolsulfinate (possessing a 'cabbagy' annotation), dimethyldisulfide, and related compounds.
Since information technology is possible for both symmetrical (II, R = R') and mixed (2, R ≠ R') thiolsulfinates to be formed during the enzymic breakdown of alliins, and since these can yield all of the breakdown products mentioned above and which can subsequently enter into secondary chemical reactions, the limerick of the flavor volatiles of freshly chopped onion, leek, and garlic can become very complex. Almost 100 compounds accept been identified in freshly cut onion and garlic, and processing – especially that involving thermal handling – causes additional chemical reactions to occur. These requite rise to thiphenes, polysulfides and the products of amino acid–sugar (Maillard) reactions.
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Synergy Amidst Dietary Spices in Exerting Antidiabetic Influences
Seetur R. Pradeep , Krishnapura Srinivasan , in Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes (2d Edition), 2019
five Garlic (A. sativum) and Onion (A. cepa)
The Allium spices—garlic and onion bulbs (Fig. 6) have been widely examined for the antidiabetic potential. Both garlic and onion are used in traditional medicine and folk remedies for centuries that includes treating diabetes. Both garlic and onion are documented to exist hypoglycemic in different diabetic animal models and in limited human trials. Excerpt of onion with petroleum ether and diethyl ether produced hypoglycemic activities (equivalent to sixty%–lxx% of a standard dose of tolbutamide) in both fasting and glucose fed rabbits and in alloxan diabetic rabbits. 21 Similarly, ethanol, petroleum ether, and diethyl ether extracts of garlic possesses > 60% of the effectiveness of a standard dose of tolbutamide in alloxan diabetic rabbits. 22
Fig. 6. Garlic and onion.
Treatment with thiosulfinate increased the serum insulin and liver glycogen. 23 While it was possible that the effect of this compound might be due to the directly or indirect stimulation of the secretion of insulin by the pancreas information technology is suggested that it virtually probably has the event of sparing insulin from sulfhydryl inactivation past reacting with endogenous thiol-containing molecules, such equally cysteine, glutathione, and serum albumin fractions. The hypoglycemic influence of garlic ether excerpt is associated with an increment in insulin, which facilitates conversion of blood glucose to glycogen. 24 Significant claret glucose lowering action of S-allyl cysteine sulfide isolated from garlic (200 mg kg− 1) observed in alloxan diabetic rats was accompanied by lowering of serum lipids and lowering of hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes. 25 Blood sugar lowering consequence of allicins is constitute to be dose related. S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide isolated from garlic when orally administered for 1 calendar month to alloxan diabetic rats, there was a reversal of glucose intolerance, weight loss, depletion of liver glycogen, etc. 26 It also stimulated insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic β-cells. Thus, beneficial furnishings of S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide are owing to its antioxidant and its insulin secretagogue action. Treatment of diabetic rats with garlic oil (10 mg kg− 1) for xv days significantly increased plasma levels of full thiols and ceruloplasmin. Garlic oil handling effectively normalized the impaired antioxidants condition in STZ-induced diabetes. 27
The benign action of onion is plausible due to direct scavenging of the free radicals generated during oxidative stress, as it is a rich source of the flavonoids particularly flavonols (quercetin and kaempferol) and anthocyanins. The blood glucose lowering effect is probably due to the presence of bioactive compounds that may enhance glucose uptake in peripheral tissues by improving insulin sensitivity and/or secretion and by increasing the level of NADP+/NADPH ratio. It is likewise suggested that these disulfide compounds have the event of sparing insulin from -SH inactivation by reacting with endogenous thiol-containing molecules such as cysteine, glutathione, and serum albumins. As quercetin, a major flavonoid plant in onion, has a strong antioxidant action, it promotes normoglycemia and decreases oxidative stress.
Antidiabetic effects of onion has been investigated past feeding 3% freeze-stale onion powder to STZ-induced diabetic rats. 28 Dietary onion significantly improved the overall metabolic status of diabetic animals and exerted its antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects. Information technology has been inferred that other than quercetin, there are few more essential constituents in onion that also contribute to the hypoglycemic effects of onion. 29 Administration of onion essential oil in STZ-induced diabetic rats (100 mg kg body weight− ane for 21 days) significantly improved serum insulin besides as lowered claret glucose level. thirty Feeding one% onion pare extract in STZ-induced diabetic rats for 45 days showed significant hypoglycemic and antioxidant influences. 31 Oral administration of 1 mL onion juice (0.4 g/rat) for 30 days to STZ-induced diabetic rats significantly alleviated hyperglycemia, improved HDL cholesterol which is associated with antioxidant potential by decreasing lipid peroxides, hydroperoxides, and superoxide dismutase activity in diabetic-treated group. 32
Assistants of onion and garlic juice (one mL.100 g torso weight− 1) for 4 weeks to alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed significant antioxidant and antihyperglycemic effects with alleviation of liver and renal impairment. 33 Aqueous extract of onion (200, 250, and 300 mg kg− ane) exhibited dose-dependent hypoglycemic furnishings in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. 34 Similarly, alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits supplemented with aqueous excerpt of onion (100 and 300 mg kg− 1) for 30 days showed dose-dependent reduction in claret glucose level, lipid peroxidation, improvement in antioxidant status and liver abnormalities. 35 Animal studies showed that the aqueous excerpt of onion reduced fasting claret glucose level in a dose-response manner and lowered glycemic response in rats. 36 The hypoglycemic and antioxidant result of SMCS and SACS isolated from onion and garlic were similar to that of 2 standard drugs (glibenclamide and insulin) in alloxan-induced diabetes. 26,37
In Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rat model, administration of onion extracts (three% and five%) for a 28-solar day period, 5% onion extract significantly improve insulin sensitivity and decrease fasting blood glucose compared with the control grouping. 38 Feeding i% onion peel extract for 8 weeks to loftier-fat nutrition/STZ-induced diabetic animal model significantly modulated the glucose uptake and metabolism in peripheral tissues via increased INsR and GLUT4 gene expression in skeletal muscles. Furthermore, the insulin sensitivity was likewise improved in peripheral tissues significantly by reducing plasma lipid contour and reducing hepatic oxidative stress and/or inflammatory stress (by suppressing TNF-α and IL-vi).
The antidiabetic activity of onion has also been demonstrated in several clinical studies. The issue of A. cepa on glucose tolerance has been investigated in salubrious volunteers using 25, 50, 100, and 200 g of aqueous onion excerpt, raw and/or boiled onions along with glucose. 39 A dose-dependent subtract was observed in blood glucose levels. Onion acts every bit an antihyperglycemic agent as ingestion of crude onion caused a significant reduction in fasting claret glucose levels in both type 1 and type two diabetic patients. 40 Similarly, remarkable control of hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes was reported when these patients were fed onion juice along with their normal nutrition. 23 The hypoglycemic principle in onion has been claimed to be ii-propenyl propyldisulfide administration of which (ii.five mg/kg) reduced the blood glucose of salubrious subjects and increased serum insulin levels. 41
In summary, garlic and onion take been widely tested for their antidiabetic potential in different diabetic brute models and in express human trials. The hypoglycemic potency of garlic and onion has been attributed to the sulfur compounds present in them [di-(ii-propenyl) disulfide and 2-propenyl propyldisulfide, respectively]. Brute studies indicate that these compounds possess every bit much equally 60%–90% hypoglycemic potency of the standard drug tolbutamide. The machinery of hypoglycemic action of these Allium spices probably involves direct or indirect stimulation of secretion of insulin past the pancreas. In addition, it is also suggested that these disulfide compounds accept the effect of sparing insulin from sulfhydryl inactivation by reacting with endogenous thiol-containing molecules such as cysteine, glutathione, and serum albumins. Mechanism of onion as an antidiabetic amanuensis probably also involves a reduction in glycemic response through increased glucose uptake from the systemic circulation into peripheral tissue by improving insulin sensitivity/or secretion or stimulating GLUT4 expression or past increasing activity of NADP+ and NADPH ratio or inhibited external glucose absorption from the abdominal tract.
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Index of Toxins by System*
Michael E. Peterson DVM, MS , Patricia A. Talcott MS, DVM, PhD, DAVBT Acquaintance Professor, Veterinary Diagnostic Toxicologist , in Small Animal Toxicology (Second Edition), 2006
Substances Potentially Associated with Heinz Bodies and/or Hemolysis (run into also Substances Potentially Associated with Methemoglobin Production)
Acetaminophen, Allium (due east.yard., onions, garlic, chives), chlorate, copper, coral snake venom, Cruciferae family (e.m., kale, broccoli, cauliflower, rapeseed, mustard), drugs (eastward.g., acepromazine, benzocaine, bupivacaine, chloramphenicol, griseofulvin, lidocaine, prilocaine, tetracaine, trimethoprim sulfa), fireworks, flares, insect stings, matches, methylene blue, mothballs (naphthalene), mushrooms, nonionic detergents, overhydration, paracetamol, pit viper venoms, propylene glycol, skunk spray, spider venom (Loxosceles—dark-brown recluse), zinc.
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Organosulfur compounds equally nutraceuticals
Nikolay V. Goncharov , ... Pavel 5. Avdonin , in Nutraceuticals (Second Edition), 2021
Some OSCs of Allium and/or cruciferous vegetables exert chemopreventive effects on chemical carcinogenesis, but they may also demonstrate promotion potential, depending on the organ examined (Fukushima et al., 1997). The OSCs have been reported to inhibit the development of a wide range of tumors: hepatic (Shaarawy et al., 2009), lung (Hu and Singh, 1997), prostate (Chandra-Kuntal and Singh, 2010), chest (Azarenko et al., 2014), tum and small intestine (Kaneko et al., 2012), colon (Lai et al., 2012), esophagus (Gao et al., 1999), bladder (Munday et al., 2008), pancreas (Ma et al., 2014), skin (Wang et al., 2012), and leukemia (Hassan, 2004).
The ability of OSCs to hinder cancer prison cell proliferation and viability tightly correlates with the length of the sulfur chain (Cerella et al., 2011). The exact mechanisms of the cancer-preventive effects of OSCs are not articulate, though there is much evidence indicating that they attune the activity of several metabolizing enzymes that activate (stage I enzymes CYP2E1, CYP1A1, and CYP1A2) or detoxify [phase II enzymes NQO1, glutathione Southward-transferases, UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, etc.] carcinogens, through inhibition of histone deacetylase activity and inhibition of the formation of DNA adducts in several target tissues (Zhang et al., 2013; Navarro et al., 2011). Likewise, electric current data back up a mechanism of mitotic arrest of cancer cells due to the alteration of the microtubule network, perchance equally a outcome of the loftier reactivity of sulfur atoms against the thiol groups of different cellular macromolecules controlling crucial regulatory functions (Cerella et al., 2011). It is worth mentioning that DADS synergizes the effect of eicosapentaenoic acrid, a breast cancer suppressor, and antagonizes the effect of linoleic acid, a breast cancer enhancer; moreover, garlic extract reduces the side effects caused by anticancer agents (Tsubura et al., 2011). The proportion of allyl sulfides in garlic oil consists of approximately 4.7%–8% DAS, 21.ix%–40% DADS, and 39%–41.5% DATS, which depends on the extraction conditions, and DATS is more potent than mono- and disulfides confronting skin cancer: information technology inhibits prison cell growth of human melanoma A375 cells and basal cell carcinoma cells by increasing the levels of intracellular ROS and DNA impairment and by inducing Gii/M arrest, ER stress, and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, including the caspase-dependent and -contained pathways (Wang et al., 2012). It was besides found that DADS and DATS are important in the anticancer action of garlic, while dipropenyl sulfide could be involved in the beneficial action of onions (Munday and Munday, 2001).
It is now recognized that the cystine/glutamate transporter (antiporter) is intimately associated with ferroptosis, an iron-dependent nonapoptotic form of jail cell expiry observed in cancer cells, and too with cancer stem cells; the former with transporter blockage but the latter with its stabilization. Excess iron in the presence of oxygen appears the most common known mutagen (Toyokuni, 2014). Ironically, the persistent activation of antioxidant systems via genetic alterations in Nrf2 and Keap1 also contributes to carcinogenesis. HiiO2 is now recognized as a signaling molecule whose main regulator is the peroxiredoxin/sulfiredoxin systems, which are at to the lowest degree partially nether the command of the Nrf2/Keap1 organization. Some cancers hijack the Nrf2/Keap1 system with mutation in these genes, which persistently activate antioxidant systems in the cancer cells. Overexpression of CD44v(8-11) stabilizes the cystine/glutamate antiporter to increase cysteine and GSH in cancer stem cells. Conversely, erastin blocks the cystine/glutamate antiporter, lowers cysteine, and finally induces ferroptosis, which tin can exist blocked with deferoxamine (Toyokuni, 2014). It was recently establish that 10AT-Her2 cells, a new breast cancer cell line which is highly enriched in cells with stem/progenitor cell-similar character, are highly sensitive to the antiproliferative apoptotic effects of I3C, a natural anticancer agent from cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica genus such as broccoli and cabbage (Tin et al., 2014). It would be interesting to study a possible impact of OSC from Brassica and Allium genera on this kind of cancer cell death, via either ROS generation or downregulation of CD44.
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Natural Epigenetic-Modifying Molecules in Medical Therapy
A. Kumar , ... A.S. Levenson , in Medical Epigenetics, 2016
Organosulfur Compounds
Organosulfur compounds institute in allium vegetables such every bit garlic and onions are known anticarcinogenic agents. Diallyl sulfide (DAS), a major component of garlic oil, is an inhibitor of tumorigenesis by various metabolically activated carcinogens [183]. The anticarcinogenic effect but non sufficient chemopreventive efficacy of DAS was reported through inhibition of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine (NMBzA) carcinogen promoted DNA methylation in rats [184]. Allyl sulfide (Equally), some other organosulfur chemical compound plant in garlic, caused the reversal of hypermethylation of the RARβ2 promoter in SiHa cervical cancer cells [57].
Several studies reported HDAC inhibition-mediated hyperacetylaion of histone H3 and H4 in human cancer cells and xenografts [185–191] and various rat and mouse cells [192–194].
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